Large and spacious houses are what majority of the people prefer. There are many strategies that can be applied to make a tiny space look bigger. If a small space is well managed and put together, it can feel very cozy and comfortable, but if not maintained, it can feel crowded and confined. Following are the ways you can make your compact space feel expansive.


Things that make the eye go upwards automatically make the room feel large. Having shelves near the ceiling is  a good way to make the space sizeable.


Light colored walls and flooring is a easy and efficient way to make a room look bigger. A neutral or light color palette always works.


Putting furniture away from the walls gives the impression of a spacious room. A striped rug or carpet can lengthen your living space.

Light in a room gives depth. Having window can be therefore have an affect on the depth of our room.


The reflection of mirrors will make a room look expansive. Placing them near a window to reflect the outdoor view is effective


Using multifunctional furniture will free up space. Some good items could be a chest used as a coffee table, a expandable dining table


Having sheer curtains or curtains that are the same color as the walls gives a area space. Use of blinds gives room larger look compared to curtains.

Another way of creating space is to add furniture that has raised legs.


A large piece of furniture is better than having many small spaces

A clever way of adding storage and giving the impression of a high ceiling is to add wall to wall or floor to ceiling bookshelves.


It isn’t necessary to fill all the shelves. Leaving some space in between creates an airy look. Color coding the books in your shelves will create a ‘flow’ of colors and dramatic pieces of art give larger look to a room.


And above all, having a big room can also make a room look big.