Ruling party, Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf has introduced an affordable housing scheme which is one of the best step took by Pakistani Government. The political party promised the national about developing 5 million homes to all the deserving people. The scheme is getting very popular among people, but still there are many who are not aware of the campaign. Right now, the program is launched in seven different cities of Pakistan. The major cities such as Islamabad, Sukkur and Faisalabad will offer residential services to people recognizing the need of living. Gilgit, Swat and Muzzafarabad are also in the list of cities offering Naya Pakistan Housing Program. 

Most important Features of Housing Program

 Nobody makes decision without knowing about the salient features of a property. We have come up with research about the housing program that has brought a number of advantages for everyone who will become a member of the scheme. The scheme provides loans for a longer term of 10 to 15 years that increases the power of property business and comfort for people. It has reduced the overall cost by offering a standardized design and perfect specifications. It has also lowered down the overall cost by reducing the approval time of buying the property. You can easily develop new society by accessing infrastructure. The upfront cost of the property builders also reduces as the scheme provides them installments of buying the land. PTI is ensuring the complete process of giving loans to the property builders for completing the housing project in short time. The overall benefit improves the ROI of property builders and also lowers the investment period and cost. 

Policies of Housing Program

It is essential to know about the target and policies of the housing scheme, so one can know about the time frame. It deals with the performance of the property new laws and overall foreclosure implementation of law. The Ministry of Law and parliamentary is dealing with all the affairs of the program. The overall period of the scheme is 3 months which are not very long. PTI will arrange funds for all kind of needs of housing by collaborating with the Ministry of Finance. The administration is also brining commercial banks on the board for builders, so they can lend with ensuring housing mortgage financing. The program will strengthen the remortgage financial market which is one of the actions took by the Bank of Pakistan. It will select locations from the property owners of Federal and Private property owners. The task force of company that will develop design of the housing units will complete the task within sixty days. The price of location on this property is not too much and it will be completed with 120 days of the project. The first project will complete in two years, and the government will hand over the keys of plots and properties to the owners within two years. The project is completely reliable as all of the institutes are working together for transparency and providing facilities to all people and promoting equality.