There are so many ways to design a space out of which flooring is one of the most important elements. Whether you are looking for hardwood, tile, laminate flooring, Vinyl flooring, or carpet, you have to think of perfect look. Flooring decides whether the space is going to be a success or not. Many beautifully built houses lost their impression because the flooring finish is not done up to the mark. A floor that has scratches does not feel comfortable to walk on.

Below are the most popular types of floorings

1– Hardwoods

2– Tile

3– Laminate

4– Carpet

5– Vinyl

6– Cork

There is nothing worse than walking into a beautifully designed reception where the floor is scratched, and brickwork is exposed. Since the floor receives most impact of your everyday activities, so it needs to withstand all sorts of wear and tear against the human movement. It has to be beautiful, ambient and visually aesthetic. 

Floor creates a direct impression visually and immediately grasps the eyes of the guests. There are a lot of flooring options available to choose from. Choosing the right kind of floor is important as the wrong one can distract from a house. 

Every room requires a different type of flooring, for example; the wooden flooring works beautifully in the living room but for bathroom, the same floor looks awkward due to the high moisture content. Similarly, for a crowded room, choose the most durable floor and match it with the rest of the enhance. A large variety of affordable laminated flooring is also available that looks like real wooden floor. Laminated floor is easy to clean, and dust can simply be mopped away with a simple damp cloth. Also, if you want to change the ornament scheme of your house, go with laminated flooring as it is easier to replace.

The flooring colors also create impact, for example; to provide a nice and ambient impression to your room, select neutral colors. Color and pattern greatly affect the overall mood of your room. 

Mixing of different types of flooring is also in trend and changes the overall experience of the space. This type of flooring experience looks elegant if executed successfully. 


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