In the recent times, any mention of China and Pakistan in the same sentence make us immediately think of CPEC. Especially most of us who have investments in areas that will be directly affected by this mega project. Prime Minister Imran Khan made his way to China for his first official visit ever since he took charge of this office this year. Starting from the 1st of November, 2018, Imran Khan will be in China for 5 long days. On this trip the people accompanying him include Asad Umar (Finance Minister), Shah Mehmood Qureshi (Foreign Minister) and other important member of the government and officials. The purpose of this visit was to discuss some bilateral issues and to set and finalize a range of agreements.

China announced a financial package worth $6 billion for Pakistan. Out of the complete package, $1.5 billion is grant money, $1.5 billion in the form of loans and an additional amount of $3 billion for CPEC. Imran Khan met Xi, the president of China on the very first day of his visit in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Prime Minister Imran Khan told Xi that the purpose of his visit to this great country was to learn from their leadership. He told them that even though his party had been in power for only two months so far, but their greatest misfortune is that they have inherited an extremely tough economic situation

On this same visit, Prime Minister Imran Khan is set to give a keynote speech at the China International Import Expo (CIIE). The mega event is to take place in Shanghai on November 5. This visit will strengthen the neighborhood ties that China and Pakistan have shared over the past years. The relationship between these two countries have served as an example to many other in the past and present and will continue to do so in the future too.